Showing posts with label Sam Pearson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sam Pearson. Show all posts

Sunday 26 October 2008

Sam Pearson And Alan Turner

Kazia asks:

The character of Sam Pearson died in November 1984, and Alan Turner arrived in March 1982. So the two overlapped. How did they get on?

It's interesting you should ask that, Kazia, as I've just started studying episodes from 1982. Alan has arrived, and Sam is saying very firmly to his detractors that Mr T is a gentleman.

I'll write more when I've viewed more.

Tuesday 5 August 2008

1980: A Tale Of Three Marrows...

It all began in the spring of 1980, when Seth Armstrong phoned The Woolpack with a message for Amos. As it happened, Amos was down in the cellar at the time, so Mr Wilks took the message, which was that Seth had news for Amos and would be calling in later that day.

Amos was not happy. He hated phone calls of this nature, and he was ill at ease wondering what Seth wanted.

Amos was suspicious of Seth at the best of times: "Any man who spends as much time as he does in't Malt Shovel when he could drink good beer in't Woolpack... He needs watching."

The Malt Shovel was Seth's "local" at the time - although as 1980 wore on, he switched to The Woolpack, which didn't please Amos either.

Seth had invited Sam Pearson along to hear the news he had for Amos.

"What were you phoning me about this morning, Seth Armstrong?" asked Amos. "Mr Wilks said it were important. You can have folks worrying leaving that sort of message."

"It's about your allotment," said Seth. "It's come through sooner than expected." Amos had applied for an allotment some months before. "There's been one disused for awhile up near't Ramseys'..."

"Well, what's that got to do with me?"

"It's yours now. I know how disappointed you were when you didn't get one a few months back. So, me as Chairman and't allotments committee have moved heaven and earth to get you this one."

Amos was most unhappy. He confided in Mr Wilks: truth to tell, he'd gone off the idea of an allotment. But he didn't want to turn it down when so much trouble had been taken to secure him one.

"Anyway, Seth and Sam were waiting for me to back down - I could see it in their eyes."

And the Brearlys had their pride.

Amos made his way to the allotments and consulted a rough map Seth had drawn... where was his plot?

Then he saw it: "Oh, 'eck!!"

Amos had been allocated a shambles of an allotment. And he knew Seth Armstrong had done it on purpose.

"You'll sort that out in less than five minutes, Amos," said Seth later that day in The Woolpack. "Anyway, digging runs in't family, don't it?"

"Eh?" Amos was puzzled.


"I hardly thinks that's the sort of comparison to go making in polite company," bristled Amos. "Anyway, techniques are quite different."

"How?" asked Seth.

"I've no intention of discussing that sort of thing over my bar!"

"Well, Amos, if you can't cope..." said Sam, impishly.

"Of course I can cope! Us Brearlys have always been noted for keeping a good garden - we've always had brown fingers!"

- So, fleet of foot and light of head, Amos made his way down to the allotments again to start work on transforming his patch the very next day.

Off with his duffle coat, out with his fork, dig in, and...

... immediate humiliation as the fork handle snapped in two. Of course, there were a couple of village worthies nearby to spread the news of Amos' glorious debut at the allotments all around Beckindale.

However, the Brearlys were not to be put off by minor setbacks, and when Sam and Seth arrived to check on Amos' progress (this should be a laugh, they thought!) they were taken aback to find that Amos...

... was bringing order to what had previously been chaos. Neighbouring allotment holders were agog.

Of course, the physical toil took its toll on Amos and one afternoon Seth and Sam called on him and found him in a very undignified state...

... sleeping like a true allotment holder.

Amos set to to study horticulture and came across a "deep bed planting method" he reckoned was well worth a try.

It involved not walking on the soil - hence the plank.

Several villagers got told off for treading on his precious patch of ground: "I'll not have my horticultural facilities sabotaged!" Seth and Sam were, despite themselves, interested in Amos' efforts and Sam even suggested that they might have to look to their laurels.

Amos even bought a propagator. He really was very devoted to his hobby.
Until a new fad came along.

As 1980 progressed, Amos held a charity auction and investigated bogles (what?!) in the locality. The allotment fell by the wayside and soon Seth was complaining about the weeds which were beginning to sprout there.
Mr Wilks made fun of Amos' neglect of the allotment and, stung, Amos set out to make amends. Once on his patch of God's good earth, he lifted a piece of sacking and found...

... a magnificent marrow - which he had planted but which had since grown with no help from him!

So, horticulture was well and truly back on the agenda. Seth and Sam were in heavy competition with marrows for Beckindale's annual horticultural show, but Amos reckoned he had the winner.

Seth was well pleased with his little beauty, and went to feed it some of his top secret preparation a few days later...

... unaware that he was being spied on.

But then...

... he did become aware: "What do you want, Amos Brearly?!"

Of course, Amos was all innocence.

Sam was later bothered by Seth in his shed. The competition was intense, and Seth was out to discover the strength of the opposition. Having seen Seth off with a flea in his ear, Sam settled down to play his recorder. Then a terrible thought struck him!

Outside, it was plain that Seth had no intention of leaving Emmerdale Farm just yet. Stealthily, he set off in the opposite direction...

Until Sam appeared and pointed out that the direction Seth was taking led to his garden...

... and that he should be walking in the opposite direction - off the farm.

Well, of course, Seth was all injured innocence.

The day of the show dawned, and Amos applied the final beauty treatment to his pride and joy:
"Are you sure it's according to the rules for you to do that?" asked Mr Wilks.
"There's nowt in this but a drop of oil and vinegar, Mr Wilks, and nowt illegal in giving it a sheen."
All was hustle and bustle in Beckindale as preparations for the show began...

Seth arrived with his marrow in a little cart behind his bike...

Amos arrived, as did Sam. Their greetings were friendly on the surface, but highly guarded:
"Morning, Sam."

"Morning, Amos."

"Nice day for't show."


"Aye. Very nice."
Amos could see that Sam was looking at him with thinly veiled hostility.
"I'll see you inside."

"Aye. I daresay."

"Aye," said Amos and scuttled off towards the marquee.

On the way he met Seth:

"Morning, Seth."

"Morning, Amos."

"Nice day for't show."

"Aye - nice day."

"Aye, very nice."
You could have cut the atmosphere between the two men with a knife.

Marrows all laid out in the marquee, it was time for Amos to open The Woolpack. Seth and Sam joined him there for a drink. Tension was running high. The Judgement Hour loomed.

Richard Anstey, NY Estates boss, who had been at the show earlier, came in.

"Judging's not done yet?!" cried Amos.

"Oh, aye - they're letting the crowds in. They decided to start early because of the bowls match." For Beckindale was taking on Robblesfield that afternoon.

"Who won?" Seth was highly agitated. He had to know who had won the best marrow section.

"I didn't see that. I can tell you who won..."

But Seth, Sam and Amos were off: "MR WILKS - TAKE CHARGE!!" squawked Amos, as he shot out of the door.

Mr Wilks was highly amused: "I don't know about the three minute mile," he told Richard, "but I reckon there's gonna be summat close to it there!"

The three men flew from the pub...

... and across the village...

... to find a very large marrow had joined theirs in the marquee - and what's more, had been awarded First Prize!
The three men stumbled to a halt:
"Whose is that?" cried Seth.
"Mine!" cried a jaunty female voice. "I thought I had a chance! And they're so easy to grow, en't they?"
And there was Nellie Ratcliffe, winner of the Best Marrow Prize in the Beckindale Horticultural Show, 1980.
Amos, Seth and Sam were numb with horror. Sam was even more distraught when the realisation hit him that his marrow had been awarded joint second prize along with Seth's and Amos'. Imagine being lumped in with those two!!
Amos carried his disgruntlement back to The Woolpack where the locals were reeling: Robblesfield had won the Butterworth Ball. It was a grim day for Beckindale.
Mr Wilks reminded Amos that he had other fish to fry with The Hotten Courier, which cheered him up a bit. He even bought a round of drinks for his customers.

Meanwhile, through the back lanes of Beckindale, wended a weary figure on a bike. A broken man. A man who had been subjected to complete and utter humiliation.

"Nellie Ratcliffe! Anybody but Nellie Ratcliffe!!" he was muttering.

Friday 1 August 2008

1980: Something Fishy...

It all began when Sam Pearson returned from a competition prize holiday in Ireland with a large pike he'd caught. The time taken journeying to England had done the pike's personal freshness no favours at all and by the time it arrived at Emmerdale Farm it was distinctly smelly.

Some people, including Dolly Skilbeck, made fun, but Sam was so proud of his catch that he wanted to have it stuffed and mounted above the fireplace as a permanent reminder of his angling triumph.

This was easier said then done. As the fish exuded an increasingly unlovely odour out in Sam's shed, the old man set about trying to contact Fletcher's, the taxidermist in Hotten. The telephone was always a challenge to Sam and he was soon flustered and annoyed.

He shushed Annie and Dolly as he prepared to make the call.

"You haven't started yet!" Annie pointed out.

"Annie, I can't be doing with people talking when I'm on the phone! Oh, now I've forgotten where I was - I'll have to start again... Ugh, now I'm getting the 'Number Unobtainable' signal!"

Finally he got through to the number he required:

"Barbara's Boutique, can I help you?" asked a youthful female voice.

"What do you mean 'Barbara's Boutique'? Are you the taxidermist or are you not?" roared Sam. "No, no - not taxi service, taxidermist, someone who stuffs things?" Suddenly, Sam slammed the phone down.

"Now what?" asked Annie.

"She said she'd stuff me into a pair of jeans any day - the brazen young hussy!"

Annie rang directory enquiries. It transpired that Fletcher's was no longer in business and the number had been Barbara's Boutique since last February.

"Well, they've no right to go mucking about with the numbers like that!" cried Sam.

Annie suggested looking up a taxidermist in the Yellow Pages - but Sam had had enough and went stomping off out. Annie did it instead.

Sam hadn't gone far - just to his shed, where he began to wrap the pike in newspaper.

"This is where you've got to - ugh, ugh!!" Annie broke off to put her hand over her nose, overcome by the fishy stench. "I thought you'd like to know there's a taxidermist in Bradford."

"Too late now, I've made up my mind!" said Sam, busy with the newspaper.

"To do what?" asked Annie.

"You were all against my having it stuffed in the first place! Right, it can go in the dustbin!"

"Don't be so foolish. I've found a taxidermist for you - best thing you can do is to come down and ring him."

"No, Annie, I've gone off the idea," said Sam, rather sulkily.

"Get rid of that fish and you'll regret it tomorrow - you know you will!"

"It won't be the first thing in my life I've regretted, will it?"

"If you don't ring him, I will!"

"Suit yourself!"

"Promise me one thing - you won't throw that away until I've phoned him?"

The fire died. Sam sighed. "I'll phone him. I wish I'd never caught it now in the first place!"

Sadly, the taxidermist in Bradford only did casts and that wasn't what Sam wanted. He was now determined to get rid of the fish and in quite a state about it all, ranting away and doing a great deal of arm waving. Annie had a gentle word with him: "There's no need to take it out on me. Or yourself, now is there?"

Once more the fire died. Annie was quite right - as she so often was.

Sam was now calm and resigned. The pike was going in the dustbin. Matt Skilbeck caught him about to close the lid on the smelly article, and called: "Eh, Grandad - what you doing?"

"What's it look like I'm doing?" replied Sam, rather terse.

"Well, hang on a bit. You want a record of that pike, don't yer? Dolly's got some film left in her camera she wants to use up. Just wait a minute, I'll go and get it."

Sam was most impressed with the idea.

But it wasn't easy to smile for the camera...

Say "Cheese"? Say "bleurrggh" more like! The stench was growing ever more powerful.

"Couldn't you manage to look a bit more cheerful?!" asked Matt. Then he had a brainwave - a group photograph! He went to fetch Annie and Jack from the farmhouse...

... leaving Grandad alone with his pal. Although he wasn't posing for the photograph at that point, Sam still kept the fish at arm's length whilst he waited.

Annie and Jack came out to the farmyard. Everybody tried to look jolly. The fish was now absolutely reeking. "Er, hang on a bit... no, you'll have to get in a bit closer," said Matt looking through the camera's view finder. So, Annie and Jack did. "That's better. Right. Now then, look at the fish... and smile!"

Jack grimaced: "It's not the easiest combination!"

A week or two later, Sam was in the Woolpack: "Oh by the way, Amos, you haven't seen this photograph, have you? You haven't either if it comes to that, Seth."

"What photo's that then, Sam?" Amos asked, a bit dour.

Sam passed him one of the photographs Matt had taken - a particularly good one of him alone with the fish. He'd even managed to dredge up the semblance of a smile.

He suggested the photograph could appear in The Hotten Courier.

"Well, angling's not my area, Sam - I could pass it on, though," said Amos. "It certainly is a big fish, in't it, Seth?" He passed the photograph to Seth.

"Aye, it's a record of skill is that!" said Sam, rather boastfully.

"Luck!" said Seth, quietly.

"Eh, what did you say?!"

"I said there's luck an' all. Anybody can catch a big fish if they're in't right place at the right time!"

Sam and Seth had already had words recently about fishing and the importance of local knowledge. Sam had pointed out that he had been fishing around Beckindale since he was a nipper, and he could give Seth a few years.

Now, with his prized Irish pike catch being ridiculed, Sam was outraged: "Seth, that was skill and nowt but skill! Are you suggesting that my angling leaves summat to be desired?"

"Nay, Sam!" said Seth, innocently.

"Now then, Sam!" cried Amos, fearing verbal or physical violence on his licenced premises.

"All right!" said Sam placatingly - he turned back to Seth: "We'll have a competition - we'll go out fishing you and me and we'll see who catches the most!"

Seth was delighted. But it wasn't joy at the prospect of baiting fish that made him smile. It was joy at baiting Sam Pearson.

On the day of the fishing contest, Sam was all of a fluster. He turned his shed and the hall cupboard upside down in search of his fishing rod - despite Annie's insistence that it was in his bedroom. Finally she went to find it for him and discovered it immediately - under his bed.

Seth arrived...

... and the two set out to prove their angling superiority...

It was quiet down by the river side. And grim. The atmosphere was distinctly hostile. The negative atmosphere mainly came from Sam - Seth was thoroughly enjoying his sport.

Tired after the excitement of preparing for the contest and lulled by the sound of running water, Sam began to nod off.

"ALL RIGHT, SAM?!" bellowed Seth, making Sam jump out of his skin.

"Shut up!" Sam left his reel and went over to Seth: "It's a fishing competition not a bloomin' football match - shouting like that!"

At that moment there was the sound of something pulling on Sam's line. He hurried back over to his fishing rod but by the time he got there the only thing on the end of his line...

... was an empty hook. Seth, of course, laughed like a drain.

Jack arrived to see how the two were getting on. Seth said he wasn't doing badly. Jack went to see his grandfather.

"You winning, Grandad?"

Sam shushed him and told Jack he wasn't doing badly.

"You're about as communicative as Seth!" grinned Jack. "Can I have a look?"

Sam stopped him "Don't look in there! I don't want him to see!"

"All right with me. But he'd not see from there, not with me in between."

"Seth's got eyes like a hawk," said Sam. He looked across at the wily gamekeeper. "Got a face like one an' all!"

Jack took his leave, and Seth grinned at Sam and gave him the thumbs up. Sam glared back. This was war and Sam didn't fraternise with the enemy.

"How about calling it a day then, Sam?" called Seth at last.

"Oh, I don't know, Seth, I can go on for a bit longer."

"Aye, me too, but I've got a bit of a thirst up. 'Ow about it?"

"Fair enough, come on then," said Sam.

"Are you going to show first?" asked Seth.

There ensued a bit of haggling over which man should show his catch first. Finally, Seth did.

"There! I'm glad it's not strip poker!" said Seth.

"Is that it?!!" Sam was incredulous.

"You've beat me this time, Sam Pearson. It's Seth Armstrong, also ran." Seth gracefully accepted his defeat.

"Well, Seth, I'll not keep you in suspense any longer," said Sam, reaching down for his catch. "There!"

And he held up the sum total of his endeavours - a tiny fish to match Seth's.

Seth laughed: "It's local knowledge as does it! Put mine and thine together, lad, and we wouldn't be eating tonight!"

Sam joined in the laughter. "Well, Seth, it's like you said there's a lot of luck in it and today we had bad luck!"

"Aye, What we gonna tell folk, though?"

"We'll tell 'em it were a draw - we threw 'em back, no more, no less!"

"We threw 'em back?" asked Seth, doing just that with his fish.

Sam followed suit. "That's it. And if they keep asking us the same question we'll give 'em the same bloomin' answer!

And that's just what they did.

Amos Brearly told Seth the result seemed like an anti-climax. But Seth replied that there had been the thrill of the chase - "Two souls locked in combat to see who were't better man!"

The reality of the situation was that Seth had thoroughly enjoyed his sport. He'd wound Sam up a treat.